Calm down. Just because something is green and a vegetable doesn't mean you can't bake it. And yes, it's true my blog has tended toward the sweet and not the savory, but that doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye. In fact, I think it's time for the salty side to be invited to the party.
Here, let me show you a picture....

Mmmmmm! Now don't you want to know how to make that? (You know you do.) Well, asparagus croissants are surprisingly simple! Soooooooooo simple! That's right, simple, savory, and satisfying. Let's get our veggie on people!
Asparagus Croissants
(Makes eight croissants)
1 bunch of fresh asparagus
1/4 lbs of prosciutto
1 can of Pillsbury crescent rolls
2 to 4 tbsp of butter or margarine

1) Preheat oven to temperature mentioned on Pillsbury crescent roll package. (It's usually somewhere around 350 degrees.)
2)Wash and dry asparagus, and chop off any old or dead ends.
3) Unwrap Pillsbury crescent rolls and unroll dough. Break dough up into 8 equal triangles.
4) Butter the triangles with desired amount of butter.
5) Place strips of prosciutto on top of the buttered dough.
6) Take one to three stalks of asparagus and roll up the croissant. Start with the thick end and roll toward the triangle point.
7) Place rolled asparagus croissants on a cookie sheet.
8) Bake croissants for the normal amount of time listed on the crescent roll package. (It's usually between 8 and 10 minutes.)
9) Serve hot! Mmmm Mmmmmmmm Good!
Thanks again to Russell Gearhart Photography for the mouth watering photographs!